Notes on Distributed Systems Gossip groomers
I am working through this challenge and learning the concepts as I solve each of them.
Challenge 1:
What did you learn?
This is just the basics. How maelstrom works, the node system and how to run it. Basically maelstrom is a simulation system already written which we will use throughout to learn distributed systems.
Challenge 2: Unique ID generation
What’s the Goal of the challenge?
The goal is to return a unique Id across different nodes of a distributed system.
What did you learn?
The simplest thing I came up with was generating a unique UUID and returning it. But that might not always help with the requirements.
- There can still be conflicts.
- There is no way to trace what node generated this. That is we cant trace back to the origin. Many little things like that. In a much broader sense these are the things we need to take care of.
- Global uniqueness: Ensuring this in a distributed system is harder than in a single node system. Simply using incrementing numbers is not possible.
- Clock synchronisation: Simply relying on time for this is not helpful. Different nodes might not be perfectly synced and might result in duplicates
- Scalability: As node numbers increase your solution should work
- Coordination overhead: Avoid adding load to one central system. This is terrible
- Failure handling: Your system should continue to generate unique IDs even if there is a single node failure
- Idempotency: In distributed systems, operations may be retried. Generating IDs should be idempotent - repeated requests should not cause issues.
- Load Distribution: The ID generation should not create hotspots or uneven load across your system.
- Observability: It’s important to be able to debug and trace IDs back to their origin, which node-prefixed UUIDs can help with.
So what we used was a combination of unique Id, a counter and timestamp. This ensures all the above criterion.
Things I used with go that are helpful:
The solution I gave for this is combination of node Id ( helps trace back to the origin), counter ( helps handle concurrent requests), timestamp(same helps handle concurrent requests)
- Go routines: So the handler function I am using for return in a go routine so maelstrom has single binary but multiple go routines.
- Shared memory: The variable counter that I am using is outside the handler and is basically a shared memory between different go routines.
- Atomic operations: The atomic operations is crucial to ensure that even if multiple go routines are using the same counter simultaneously each increment is safe without race conditions.
- Handler execution: When a request comes maelstrom framework calls the handler function in a new go routine. This means that multiple instances of the handler can run concurrently, each in its own go routine. However they all share the same counter variable in memory.
- For the counter I could be using a mutex(locks) or semaphores to achieve thread safe access to the shared counter.